Harvester will pop up when you click the little button in the left corner of the GUI



Google Login

By logging using your google account captchas will be solved easier as old google account accumulate a score, sometimes it won’t even ask you to solve them if you have enough high score

To successfully Login make sure to use a proxy that has the same location as the account you are using or simply of the same country/region to avoid getting blocked by Google security then click on the button “Google login”


Login using your credentials, and then click “ + Save Profile” to save that account as profile, so it will reuse the same proxy and won’t loose access

Refresh button is useful if there is a bug during the login

Solving manually

When you select a store it the required captcha for it will appear there, after being solved they won’t disappear , it will store every solved token and show it (Available Tokens)

Basically once you have selected a site the harvester will never stop showing captchas to be solved even while running


Be aware solved tokens are valid for only 2 minutes